Team: Runchang (Richard) Kang
“Is your day frustrating? Need to vent? HaterBot provides you a way to physically flush out— literally— the bad things happened in your day.” In this project, we explore the emotional implications of physical, tangible behaviors and leverage them to create personal devices.
Team: Zheng Luo, Rachael Tang
Chinese characters are pictographic. The writing of some characters reflect certain physical, geometrical properties of the object- a feature that is unseen in other languages. In this project, our team uses motion capture to track users’ writing of “傘” (umbrella) and parse the strokes into design parameters (aspect ratios, speed into membrane thickness) for a parametric script to generate printable artifacts. With this method, writing is no longer an abstraction but the becomes a craftsmanship.
In architecture, design (representations) and construction (the actual object) are separated from each other. This workshop aims to bridge the gap by having participants to design and build simultaneously and to learn through craftsmanship. The Design is an accessible ramp and stairs that allow disabled students of young ages to access the hoisting of flag. It took the team one day to design and 2 week to build the installation.
This workshop was conducted in Thailand to study vernacular floating houses, an atypical housing style in response to local climate threats and lack of space. As part of this workshop, our team built an in-scale, functional model house with authentic techniques used by local builders. The model is now a part of a local cultural museum’s collection.
This installation is sculpted with hexagon cells made of chopsticks without using CAD. We control the distance between connections to modulate local curvature.